I wrote – Doaa Samir: Dr. Sameh El -Hafni, Minister of Civil Aviation, received Dr. Rasha Ragheb, Executive Director of the National Academy for Training and the accompanying delegation, at the headquarters of the Ministry’s General Court, where this meeting comes within the framework of enhancing joint cooperation between the Ministry and the National Academy for Training to develop human cadres qualifying to lead the development process in society, in order to achieve increased impact and create a melhor futuro.
During the meeting, the executive position of the existing cooperation relations between the Ministry of Civil Aviation and the National Academy for Training was reviewed, as the two sides discussed the possibility of opening an effective partnership to ensure the provision of advanced training programs that meet the needs of the aviation sector, in a way that integrates with the training programs offered by both the Egyptian Academy for Aviation Sciences and the EgyptAir Academy for training, as well as sustainable solutions that seek Fortemente para ser o principal incentivo para uma transformação e inovação abrangentes para criar líderes eficazes que têm a capacidade de acompanhar os desenvolvimentos rápidos no campo do transporte aéreo.
A conversa também abordou o que os programas de treinamento implementados pela Academia para o benefício dos trabalhadores nos vários setores e instituições do Estado e seu papel no treinamento e no desenvolvimento das habilidades de lideranças e provedores de serviços superiores e médios, de acordo com os mais recentes métodos científicos e profissionais, para apoiar sua eficiência para alcançar os níveis mais altos de desempenho e excelência.
In this context, Dr. Sameh Al -Hefni praised the vital role played by the National Academy for Training in preparing and qualifying human cadres, pointing out that investing in the human element is an essential pillar in the axes of the ministry’s strategy to achieve sustainability and leadership in the aviation sector, stressing the Ministry’s keenness to enhance cooperation with the academy in many training programs with the aim of developing technical and administrative skills for workers in a way Isso reflete positivamente no nível dos serviços previstos para os passageiros, especialmente à luz da necessidade urgente de criar quadros humanos de nível internacional e a reabilitação de futuros líderes à luz das mudanças econômicas e tecnológicas globais.
For her part, Dr. Rasha Ragheb expressed her appreciation to the civil aviation sector for his continuous efforts in supporting cooperation with the National Training Academy, stressing that the academy represents an intellectual catalyst for cognitive progress, for its role in providing advanced and multidisciplinary training programs, depends on innovative solutions to develop human capital, noting that the academy has trained nearly 200 diversified training programs For more than 37 thousand trainees, Essa filosofia de treinamento na Academia depende de realizar oficinas especializadas, treinamento de campo, atividades esportivas e culturais e modelos de simulação, além de organizar visitas e testes de campo para preparar quadros qualificados capazes de enfrentar desafios futuros.
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