Início Cultura “Costume de hoje” .. A morte do pensador e linguista, Dr. Shawky...

“Costume de hoje” .. A morte do pensador e linguista, Dr. Shawky Dhaif, 13 de março de 2005


His full name is Ahmed Shawky Abdel Salam Dhaif, and we know him in the name of his fame and he is Dr. Shawky Dhaif, who is an Egyptian writer, linguistic scientist and former head of the Arabic Language Academy, and he was born on the thirteenth of January 1910 in the village of Awlad Hammam in Damietta Governorate, and he completed the memorization of the Qur’an and joined the religious institute in 1920, e após sua conclusão primária, ele ingressou no Instituto …

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